San Terenzo, SP
44°08′23.72″N 9°89′64.24″E
San Terenzo is a small historical village on the coast line of Liguria. The proximity to the famous Cinque terre and the fast highway connection to the major cities of northern Italy makes it an extremely popular location for summer tourism. The peak of inhabitants experienced in summer from the beginning of the ‘50s has deeply altered the territory in its built environment, infrastructural, ecological and economic dimensions. Those changes influenced the way many people, both inhabitants and tourists, relate to the landscape and become attached to some of its features. As in I.Calvino’s La speculazione edilizia a predatory attitude towards a territory often triggers a similar emotional approach in other fields of people’s life. Towards a survey on italian contemporary beach tourism landscapes the exhibition in San Terenzo will show the complex and contradictory bound that links inhabitants and their territories.